I created NC Eat & Play in October 2019. In that time, we experienced tremendous growth that has allowed me to make it my full-time job while remaining a full-time stay-at-home mom of our two boys. As you can imagine, while it has been incredibly fulfilling, it has been equally exhausting.
My husband, Harrison, has always been my biggest supporter and we often daydreamed of a day where we could embrace NC Eat & Play together. Well, we are finally one big step closer as he’s reducing his career hours to part-time to help me more!
This change feels exciting, scary, and wonderful as we step into this new unknown. We’ve faced many unknowns together since the day we met on the shore of Carolina Beach as free spirited sixteen-year-olds, and one thing I’ve come to learn is that we always make the best of it together.
I’m thrilled to have Harrison by my side even more often throughout this adventure. He sat down with me to answer some interview questions that I think will help y’all get to know him better.
Tell the followers a little bit about yourself:
I love anything to do with sports and being outside. Especially basketball, camping, hiking and kayaking. I’m trying to pick up golf but still not great at it. I also enjoy snow skiing and watersports like wakeboarding. I try to stay adventurous even though I’m a husband and dad of two.
I like eating out as well, but that is definitely Meg’s strong suit. She specializes in all the food planning, research and photography and I specialize in eating it.
What brought you on to NC Eat and Play?
Well I have always been here, just more behind the scenes. I love that this is something Megan created and is so passionate about, and it has kind of evolved into a family affair. I have been working full time as a Project Manager for Superior Custom Builders, which limited my time and ability to help with NC Eat and Play. An opportunity arose for me to go part time with my current company, giving me more time invest with the family business.
What will your role be with NC Eat and Play?
Really anything Meg needs help with. She’s the boss! But in all seriousness, I’m going to be a project manager. It’s really similar to what I’m currently doing, but now I’m dealing with restaurants and events instead of just construction. I will help manage emails and correspond with brands to set up partnerships and collaborations.
I’ll also help with writing on the website. Being available to watch the boys will also be a big help when Megan has a meeting or has to get something done quickly. We’re hoping the transition will help the company run smoother and help us grow even faster than we already are. But don’t worry, Megan will still be the face of the brand.
Like I said earlier, I love outdoor adventure and sports. We are hoping to incorporate some more “play” features which is something I would be heading up and have a real passion for. I would also be involved with the action photography there, so drone footage and GoPro.
What is something interesting about you?
I have six siblings and we’re all boys 6’ or taller. Five out of the six of us are red-green colorblind. Megan makes fun of me a lot for not being able to see certain shades of green, brown, and reds. It drives her crazy that I can’t fully experience the leaves changing colors in the NC mountains.
I’m also an Eagle Scout, which embarrassed me as a teenager but now I think is pretty cool. While I didn’t love the uniforms and all the scout spirit I appreciate the good principles it taught me as well as giving me a love for the outdoors.
What is your favorite food you’ve tried with Megan?
Honestly, too many to name. But if I had to pick one it would be Southern Craft Sandwiches. Mark, the owner, is a great guy and I can’t get enough of the burgers and sandwiches. It’s always my top recommendation when people visit.
Favorite trip?
I loved going to Bear Lake Reserve with the family a few years back. They had kayaking, swimming, a rope swing, and it was a beautiful spot in the mountains. Hoping we can go back soon!
Duke or Carolina?
Duke, all day everyday. I’ve been a fan since before I can remember and I’m making sure my boys will be too!
Anything else you would like to add?
Just a thank you to everyone who supports our platform. We were honestly shocked at how this took off and never expected it would grow into something like this. Being a husband and father is the most important thing I could ever do in my life and the fact that I can have a job where I can spend more time with them is a dream come true.
I never thought I would be able to do something like this for a living but here we are. Thank you for your kind words and motivation because you are helping make this dream possible! I’m excited to get to work and help share new eat and play adventures with all of you.
Let’s Go! This is so exciting for you guys!
Thanks Bennet, you’re the best!
That’s awesome Harrison is joining NC Eat & Play! I look forward to seeing what you guys have in store.
Thanks so much for the support, Kara!