Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month at Dix Park with NAMI and Alliance Health. We will have wellness focused activities for kids and families followed by a showing of the movie Inside Out.
Event Schedule
6:00 pm – Event opens and activities begin
8:30 pm – Inside Out movie begins
10:00pm – Movie and event ends
This is event is free to attend with no tickets required. However, by registering for this event you help us plan for how many people are coming and you will receive any important event updates or weather alerts via Eventbrite email.
Food Trucks
- Las Gringas
- How Bout Burger
- Cousin’s Lobster
- Lao Lao
- Batts Family Food Truck
- Mama Churros
- Alsie’s
Directions & Parking
- For directions to Flowers Field, use the address: 2105 Umstead Drive.
- The best park entrances to use are Hunt Drive off of Western Boulevard or Blair Drive off of Centennial Parkway.
- Parking is available in the four parking lots off of Umstead Drive.
- Due to the high volume of people and limited parking, please carpool if possible.
- Do not park in the grass – driving on tree roots damages the trees and we want to keep the 150 year old oaks around for as long as possible!
Know Before You Go
- Bring a blanket or low beach chairs to sit on, so that you don’t obstruct the view for others.
- While we encourage you to enjoy the food trucks, you may also bring your own food and beverages.
- Don’t forget the sunscreen and bug spray.
- Port-a-johns are available at the event site.
- Leashed, friendly dogs are welcome, but please use your best judgement to determine if your pooch will enjoy the show!
If we need to postpone due to inclement weather, we will communicate through Eventbrite email to registered participants.
Contact Dix Park Staff at 919-996-3255 or events@dixpark.org
Dorothea Dix Park continues to strive to be accessible and welcoming for visitors, including those with disabilities. Currently, portions of Dorothea Dix Park, including some areas where programs and events occur, have uneven surfaces and are not fully accessible. Accessibility is a primary focus for early park improvements and all future planning and development.
Parking: Accessible parking spaces are available in all lots.
Restrooms: Accessible port-a-johns are located at the Big Field and Flowers Field. Indoor accessible restrooms are available in the newly renovated Chapel during open hours.
Programs and events: Raleigh Parks Inclusion Services works with community members to support participation. To request a program modification based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please complete and submit the Accommodation Request Form or contact Inclusion Services staff at 919-996-2147 or ParksInclusion@raleighnc.gov.
Liability Waiver
City of Raleigh – Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department
Release, Covenant Not To Sue, and Indemnity Agreement
I understand that participating in Dorothea Dix Park Programs and Events (hereinafter “Program”) involves risk of injury. These risks include, but are not limited to, inclement weather, accidents while traveling, equipment problems or failures, contacts with and actions of other participants, spectators, or volunteers, slips/trips/falls, and musculoskeletal injuries, among others. I choose for myself, for my child, or for another participant who I am enrolling, to participate in the Program despite these and other risks.
By registering for this Program, I acknowledge all risks of injury, illness, and death, and property damage, and affirm that I have assumed all responsibility of injury, illness, death, and property damage relating in any way to the Program. I also agree for myself and for any child or other participant who I am registering herein to follow all rules and procedures that may apply to the Program and to follow the reasonable instructions of City employees and other supervisors of the Program. In return for the opportunity to participate in this Program, I agree for myself and for the child or other participant I am registering, and for our heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators to release, waive, and discharge any legal rights that any one of us may have to seek payment or relief of any kind from the City of Raleigh, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, and the State of North Carolina, their employees or their agents for injury, illness, or death relating in any way to this Program.
If I am registering a minor for the Program, I agree that I am a parent, legal guardian, or am otherwise responsible for the minor whose application I am submitting and that I release, waive, and discharge any legal rights on behalf of that minor. If I am registering an adult, I agree that I am authorized to do so and do hereby release, waive, and discharge any legal rights on behalf of that adult participant. I, along with any participant I register herein, also agree not to sue the City of Raleigh, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, or the State of North Carolina, their employees, or their agents and agree to indemnify the same for any and all claims, damages, losses or expenses, including but not limited to medical expenses and attorney’s fees, if a suit is filed concerning an injury (to person or property), illness, or death to me or to any participant I am enrolling that relates to, or results from, participation in the Program.
I have read this waiver thoroughly and understand that by registering for this program I am waiving legal rights.
Photo Release
Pictures or video may be taken of participants at this Program for use in Dorothea Dix Park publicity. By registering for the Program, I hereby grant the City of Raleigh and the Dorothea Dix Park Conservancy permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in any and all of their publications, including web-based publications and digital platforms, without payment or other consideration. I hereby irrevocably authorize the City of Raleigh and the Dorothea Dix Park Conservancy to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose.
I have read this release thoroughly and understand that by registering for this program I am waiving legal rights. If I am registering a minor for the Program, I agree that I am a parent, legal guardian, or am otherwise responsible for the minor whose application I am submitting and that I affirm consent on behalf of that minor.
Email Consent
By Registering for this Program, I consent to receive emails from Dorothea Dix Park about park news, community engagement opportunities, and programs and events. Participant can unsubscribe at any time.